Case study
UX Designer
Pacific Science & Engineering
UX design
User research
Research method
Research Findings
#1. Drill operators are reactive to issues that occur.
Problems often arise unexpectedly, leaving drill operators to reactively address issues as they happen, rather than being able to proactively prevent them.
#2. Attention is spread thin across multiple screens and tasks.
Drill operators manage multiple tasks simultaneously, often spread across various screens and monitors. This can lead to missing high-priority issues when they arise.
#3. Drill operators go into “tunnel vision” and lose situational awareness.
When drill operators are focused on highly demanding tasks that require their full attention, they may lose situational awareness of other ongoing activities and their environment.
#4. Cognitive overload becomes and issue when multiple drills are involved.
Operators are generally efficient up to a point, but when monitoring four or more drills, the process begins to break down. As the number of drills increases, cognitive overload becomes a significant issue, as the current UI doesn’t effectively support scalability.
Aggregrating information
A major theme we focused on was organizing and aggregating information at higher levels. By providing drill operators with enhanced situational awareness, they can monitor the health and performance of all drills without experiencing cognitive overload.